Almost EUR 9.5 million collected from tolls in the first quarter of 2022


Revenues from toll collection of the Public Enterprise for State Roads (JPDP) in the first quarter of this year amount to MKD 581,137,560, i.e. 16.37 percent of the total planned revenue on that basis for 2022.

Compared to the same period last year, the income from tolls is higher by 6.81 percent, that is, by MKD 37,070,841, according to the Report on the financial operations of JPDP for the first quarter of 2022.

From the part of the excise tax on oil derivatives, the revenues of JPDP in the first quarter of this year amount to MKD 992,499,126, that is, 21.34 percent of the planned for the year. The income on that basis in the first three months of this year, compared to the same period last year, increased by 50.54 percent, that is, by MKD 333,191,925.

According to the JPDP report, the revenues from the fee for the use of public roads for motor and auxiliary vehicles (road tax) that is charged during vehicle registration amount to MKD 406,271,881, or over 19 percent of the planned funds for the year.

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