Sheep pox and enterocolitis, the most common acute diseases in July


During the previous month, a total of 607 sick people from acute infectious diseases were reported in the country, excluding COVID-19, influenza, tuberculosis, AIDS, AFP and hepatitis B and C and HIV.

The first two most common diseases are sheep pox and enterocolitis, which account for 90.4 percent of the total number of patients, and with 91.9 percent of the ten most frequently reported acute infectious diseases in July, according to data from the Bulletin of the Department of Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases at the Institute of Public Health.

During July, the most frequently registered acute infectious disease was sheep pox with a total of 298 registered persons. Compared to June, there is a decrease in the number of reported cases of chicken pox by 3.9 percent, and compared to July 2021, an increase of 3.7 percent.

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