Macedonian tourism to reach the goal of over USD 400 million in 2022


The director of the Agency for the Promotion and Support of Tourism (APPT) Ljupcho Janevski believes that Macedonian tourism can end the year with more than 400 million dollars and more than 2.6 million overnight stays.

As Janevski posted on social media, the foreign exchange inflow in the second quarter of 2022 compared to the same period last year increased by 46 percent and amounted to more than 106 million US dollars.

“The foreign exchange inflow in the first two quarters of 2022 compared to the same period in 2019 has increased by 20 percent. We can reach the goal for 2022 in Macedonian tourism: more than 400 million dollars, more than 2.6 million overnight stays”, Janevski said.


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