Trenchevska: Let’s make the work of rural women visible together


In her address in Demir Kapija on Sunday, the Macedonian Minister of Labor and Social Policy Jovanka Trenchevska focused on the work of women in rural areas and pointed out that 64% of rural women are not active in the labor market precisely because of engagement in the household and care for children, and 47% of unemployed rural women do unpaid work on family farms.

“Precisely the unpaid work in agriculture is a key segment of the informal economy, with which we as the Ministry of Labor and Social Work in a project financed by the European pre-accession mechanism in conjunction with which software is created for quick registration of workers in agriculture” said Trenchevska.

The minister pointed out that with easy recording of the hours worked by women from rural areas in the fields, recording of working hours will be ensured, which in turn will help them one day realize their right to pension.


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