Over 1500 hospitality establishments take part in project to collect selected recyclable glass


The glass packaging waste can be reused and we can all contribute to a healthier and ecological environment, said the Pakomak company, which has been implementing the “Are You Recycling” project for several years, through which selected glass is collected and recycled.

In this project, as indicated by Pakomak, more than 600 hospitality facilities in Skopje and more than 900 from other cities are included.

This year, the Skopje-based restaurants “Dukat”, “Skopski Merak”, “Mosh”, “Equilibrium”, “Raguza” – multi-storey garage, the Bitola restaurant “Hunter”, the Shtip-based “Mal Odmor” and many others stand out for their contribution thanks to their involvement in the project collects over 220 tons of glass packaging waste per month, which is then transferred to glass recycling factories.

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