If VMRO-DPMNE has evidence of secret assets owned by officials, it should submit it to SCPC, SDSM says


After VMRO-DPMNE MP Brane Petrushevski announced on Monday that the opposition party has documents for a new affair of the ruling parties SDSM and DUI for hiding property worth 30 million euros by 123 officials of the parties, SDSM issued its reaction in a press release.

“VMRO-DPMNE’s white palace is synonymous with crime and illegally acquired property on the backs of citizens. With a court verdict for Talir 2, it has been proven that the White Palace, worth about 7 million euros, was illegally, criminally acquired, on the backs of the citizens, that is, with money stolen from the citizens. VMRO-DPPMNE stole from the citizens, accumulated property, luxury and money in an illegal, criminal way, while the citizens sank into poverty and debt, millions of sums of money were misused. The detailed urban plan has been changed three times in order for VMRO-DPMNE to get 12,000 square meters for the headquarters, and to build a hotel instead of a residential building. The criminal scheme for the White Palace is drastic, outrageous, epic”, SDSM said.

“If VMRO-DPMNE really has any information about officials who did not declare property and committed some offense, they should submit it to the competent institution, which is the SCPC, for further action”, added SDSM’s reaction.


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