SDSM, Kovachevski and his predecessor Zaev are directly responsible for the fact that inflation in Macedonia is twice as high as the average in the Eurozone


The member of the VMRO-DPMNEEC and former finance minister Trajko Slaveski sent a written statement regarding the claims made by Prime Minister Kovachevski in Kriva Palanka on Saturday, October 29, 2022.

“Yesterday, Prime Minister Kovachevski lied to the audience in Kriva Palanka when he said that the minimum wage for workers should have been MKD 18,000, instead of the previous amount of MKD 15,200. The fact is that this was said by his predecessor, Zoran Zaev, upon leaving the post of prime minister. Instead of using other people’s success for his own benefit, Kovachevski was forced to the accomplishments of his predecessor and present it as his success. Even after eight months since the entry into force of the Law on the Minimum Wage in May of this year, Article 8 of the law on harmonizing all wages in the public and private sectors with the increase in the minimum wage has not been applied. Because of this, the Kovachevski’s Government is being sued by their favorite trade union, SSM, which still claims that, allegedly, the public sector has been on a continuous general strike, all with the aim of dulling the edge of the trade union struggle for the realization of the workers’ rights established by law,” said Slaveski.



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