Trajanov: Bulgaria needs to recognize Macedonians and their rights


In the name of the Democratic Union (DS), I will request that the first point of the meeting is to send a strong common message to Bulgaria to recognize the Macedonians as a national belonging and to exercise all their rights, to join together, to form clubs, including being able to form political parties. This means associations through which they will be able to nurture their national characteristics, cultural, historical, linguistic and other characteristics that characterize a nation, said the leader of the Democratic Union (DS) Pavle Trajanov before the leaders’ meeting in the Parliament on Monday.
Trajanov said that he will seek political consensus from all political parties because so far no one from the state-political top, as Trajanov says, “neither the President, nor the Prime Minister, even less the minister of foreign affairs raises this issue”.
No one is asking Macedonians to get their basic rights as Bulgarians and other ethnic communities in Bulgaria have, said Trajanov, adding that there is nothing against Bulgarians being part of the Constitution, but only on a reciprocal basis, i.e. “only to be recognized” Macedonians as a national minority and their rights to self-organization be recognized”.

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