Heating plants can use fuel oil as a reserve energy only for 10 days, consent of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is required for longer


The “Zapad” and “Istok” heating plants in Skopje, in the event of a shortage of the main energy source – gas, can use fuel oil as a backup energy source for a period of only 10 days, and its further use requires the consent of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning , the director of the State Environmental Inspectorate Sreten Stojkovski said on Friday.

“The position of the Ministry is that there is gas on the market and these plants will not be allowed to operate on other energy sources. And in their permits it is stated that in case there is no gas on the market, they can work for 10 days on fuel oil. The state inspectorate will exclusively monitor the permit that was issued to them,” Stojkovski said at today’s press conference.

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