Kovachevski praised the meeting with Rama, but failed to reveal the conditions he received


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski confirmed our suspicions, the meeting in Tirana is aimed at saving his political career and the career of Ali Ahmeti, opposition party VMRO-DPMNE pointed out in a press release on Thursday.

“Kovachevski praised the meeting in Tirana, but did not tell the public what was reached on the table to save the Government. The pawn Dimitar Kovachevski should muster courage and reveal what tasks he received from Ali Ahmeti and Edi Rama. The pawn Kovachevski will accept everything they give him, knowing that his rating is within a statistical error and the citizens trust this government less and less every day. If SDS and DUI believe that everything they do is for the benefit of the citizens, instead of meetings in other countries, let them encourage themselves and schedule a meeting with the citizens for early parliamentary elections,” the largest opposition party said.


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