The country will import workers from abroad, primarily from the Western Balkans says Bytyqi


The Macedonian economy will be stimulated by importing workers from abroad. The market will be liberalized, but whether completely or targeted, is still an open dilemma, said Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister Fatmir Bytyqi on Monday

In an interview with Deutsche Welle, Bytyqi says that the idea is to increase the annual quotas, and if there is a need for general agreement, to target third countries as well.

“It is true that there is still a high unemployment rate of 14 percent and it is trending to decrease, but we are also faced with a serious outflow of personnel from the state. This trend is present not only here, but in all the countries of the Western Balkans and is due to what is happening in the EU countries, such as Germany, France, Belgium, which open the labor markets, but also have migration of workers in other countries,” said Bytyqi.

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