No debate on the constitutional amendments, the Government does not discuss openly with the opposition, says Spasenovski


If we analyze the course of the discussion related to the constitutional amendments, we will conclude that probably two or three additional amendments are planned, thus increasing the amendments to the original text. Of course, this is another reason for this skepticism among citizens, but also among the expert public, the professor of constitutional law at the Faculty of Law Aleksandar Spasenovski told Sitel News.
According to the law professor, it is also important to mention the circumstances in which the constitutional amendments are requested, but also that the solution offered is not favorable for the Macedonians.
“On the one hand, we have an unfavorable solution due to the feeling of the majority of the citizens of this country, especially the Macedonians, that something is unfairly taken from them and they are forced to do something by which they lose part of their substrate within the highest legal act of the state. On the other hand, geopolitics is that Macedonia is part of the European continent and the processes affect it. In a way, time is pressing, but Macedonia has been offered an unfavorable solution with which most of the citizens do not agree,” Spasenovski said.

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