VMRO-DPMNE: TPP Oslomej works for three days – two days of rest, due to an outage or “planned” halt?


Appearing in front of the media and shamefully stating that the domestic energy capacities produce more than the necessary amounts of electricity for Macedonia, is already ridiculous and tragicomic. The justification that thermal power plants (TEP) do not work because the price of electricity on the stock market is lower than the production one, falls into the water, because everyone knows that these plants must not have frequent interruptions in operation, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Saturday.

“Frequent outages and stoppages contribute to premature depreciation and shortening of the life of electromechanical equipment, and each start-up of a thermoblock costs over 100 thousand euros for TPP Oslomej, and over 200 thousand euros for TPP Bitola. Is it the quality of the coal or the quality of the fuel oil,” said the opposition party.

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