Dimitrieska-Kochoska: By adding the EU flag on laws that are already in line with EU legislation, SDSM and DUI are breaking the laws and norms towards EU membership


SDSM subordinates are entering a very bad situation by breaking the laws and norms towards EU membership. Today we have a law on labor relations submitted to the Parliament which needs to be changed even though it is already harmonized with the EU legislation, and at the same time SDSM and DUI boast that we have a screening by the EU precisely for the harmonization of the laws with the European laws”. said the VMRO-DPMNE vice-president Gordana Dimitrieska-Kochoska during today’s field activity of VMRO-DPMNE entitled “This is Macedonia for all”.

The opposition official pointed out that the Government is putting a law in the procedure that would increase the working hours.


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