Governor of the National Bank of Macedonia at the Summit in Montenegro: The persistence of policies is essential for stabilizing inflation


The priority of the central banks is the stabilization of inflation, for which careful macroeconomic policies should continue.” This was indicated by the governor of the National Bank, Anita Angelovska-Bezhoska, at the panel discussion of the governors within the Summit of Governors of Central Banks called “Financial and monetary stability in the region in conditions of prolonged geopolitical and economic crises”, held in Montenegro.

“Even with the drop in the prices of primary products, the overall inflation in the region slows down significantly and from its maximum of 14.3% in 2022 it is reduced to around 10% according to the data from April this year, although the basic inflation shows a more pronounced inertia. This trend is also noted in the Macedonian economy,” said the NBRM Governor.

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