Turkish nationals opened the most companies in Macedonia, Bulgarians share third place with Germans and Serbs


In the first quarter of the year, there are 1,832 newly opened companies, and 277 of them have a foreign owner. In these 277 companies, in fact, there were 346 owners who are foreigners. So, of the newly opened companies, last year 15.1% were with foreign owners, shows the analysis of the pari.com.mk website in cooperation with BiznisMreza.mk.

The data show that Turkey is the record holder. In the first quarter of the year, there are as many as 124 owners of newly opened companies who are Turkish. And in the first quarter of last year, Turkey is the first country in terms of companies opened by its citizens. The total number of Turkish owners of newly established firms in the first quarter of 2022 was 104.



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