Petrushevski: PPO doesn’t react to OTA illegal acquisition of wiretapping equipment


The Director of the Operative – Technical Agency (OTA) commissioned to monitor the communications, illegally acquired equipment for massive wiretapping, and the only one who could have approved it is PM Kovachevski, VMRO-DPMNE MP Branko Petrushevski told a press briefing on Saturday.
“I and the other members of the Parliamentary Committee on Security Services Monitoring, after perceiving several disputing points in the acquisition, and aware of our legal obligation not to share details with the public, reported it to the Public Prosecutor Office (PPO). I have to emphasize that the report was approved by all members of the Committee, both from the ruling coalition and from the opposition. The PPO remained silent for weeks now. And that is why we are repeating our appeal to the institutions”, MP Petrushevski said.
The equipment was acquired in an illegal manner, lacking the necessary permission from the MoI and contradictory to the Agency’s Rulebook.
“We are publicly asking: is this equipment acquired in order to massively wiretap the Macedonian citizens? Is this equipment capable of wiretapping all two million Macedonian citizens?”, Petrushevski added.

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