Nake Georgiev resigns before taking oath – not yet elected to the Judicial Council, he also wanted to appoint his son Kiril as a judge


Supreme Court judge Nake Georgiev, who was recently elected as a member of the Judicial Council, submitted his resignation Tuesday morning, and the council confirmed it, although he was supposed to take the oath in Parliament at 2 p.m. along with his colleague Antoanela Dimovska.
A1on learns from its sources that the reason the solemn declaration was postponed from 9:30 this morning to 2 p.m., was that Georgiev wanted to appoint his son Kiril Georgiev as a judge.
According to the Law on Courts, he cannot be a member of the Judicial Council and choose his son as a judge. Nake Georgiev did not take the oath this morning, because he felt that without it he would not be formally elected as a member of the council, which would allow him to appoint his son as a judge.

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