Will ministers be called to account for the statements against the Ilovica mine”


In addition to arbitration proceedings against the state, individuals could also be subject to direct legal proceedings if it is shown that the new government decision to withdraw the decision to merge the concessions for the Ilovica – SHtuka mine was made against the law or is politically motivated. it is said in the information that the company Euromax Resources submitted to the Stock Exchange in Toronto, Canada, where the company is listed.
In the letter, the company announces that it will again ask the Government to reconsider the merger, but also announces other possible legal consequences, including international arbitration and proceedings against individuals.
The withdrawal of the decision to merge the concessions, in addition to the protest organized by the activists who oppose the opening of the mine, was preceded by the statements of some of the ministers in the Government that they are personally against the opening of the mine in Ilovica. The Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi warned that their statements, as well as the transcripts from the government session where the decisions were made, could be used in legal proceedings against the state.

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