Minimum pension of MKD 18,000 is unrealistic, says Trenchevska


A minimum pension of 18,000 denars? That is unrealistic, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Jovanka Trenchevska claimed in a press briefing on Wednesday.
The minister commented on the meetings with the representatives of pensioner associations, who demand a linear increase in pensions. At these meetings, it was agreed to form a working group on the issue of minimum pension, but also on maintaining the stability of the Pension Insurance Fund.
“Whenever policies are created, the stability of the Pension Fund must be considered. 18,000 MKD minimum pension is an unrealistic request, because our minimum salary is 20,000 MKD. That would mean an additional burden on the Pension Fund and lead to a situation where after three or four months we will have to ask whether all 330,000 pensioners will receive a pension,” said Trenchevska.

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