OTA director scheduled a press conference in front of the Parliament, then postponed it


The director of the Operational Technical Agency (OTA), Zoran Angelovski, was supposed to appear in front of the Parliament building at 11 am Wednesday and hold a press conference. The announcement about the press conference, which was forwarded to the media by OTA yesterday, came just two days before the end of Angelovski’s five-year term – Thursday, September 7, 2023.

However, a new notification reached the media this morning, in which the Agency states that today’s press conference in will be postponed indefinitely “due to urgent matters”.

“We inform you that due to urgent matters, the announced press conference of the director of OTA in front of the Parliament of RNM at 11 a.m. has been postponed indefinitely”, reads the statement that OTA sent to the media Wednesday morning.

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