The list of products with a preferential rate has been reviewed in detail, and 10 percent tax is a preferential rate


The list of products with a preferential rate of 5 percent, which includes 1600 products, has been reviewed in detail and these are the products that are mostly used by our citizens in their daily use. It was prepared by top tax and financial experts, and it comes as part of the tax reform in the country, which today has the best confirmation with the confirmation in times of crisis of the credit rating of the country, said Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski asked by the media after visiting “Taste the tradition – Second National Fair for Food and Beverages”.

According to Kovachevski, it is possible to consider it but only for one, two or three products that really represent in quantities, and are used on a daily basis. He also made a comparison of the VAT rate in our country with the countries in the region, but also in the EU.


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