Accelerator that is dysfunctional and fictitious purchases in the hospital in Bitola, yet no one is held accountable, accuses opposition


In connection with the Audit Report of the State Audit Office during the last audit conducted in the Hospital in Bitola, it has been established that there is an accelerator in the Hospital that is not in operation. In addition, during 2021 and 2022, 15 procedures were carried out for the procurement of laboratory consumables in the amount of MKD 76,709,000, the findings of the Audit report show, and this is the position of the VMRO-DPMNE Central Health Committee:

“A linear accelerator is located in the Hospital’s premises in a separate facility (bunker), which was not used until the day of the audit and was not entered in the accounting records. According to the knowledge of the Audit, the Ministry of Health has implemented several procedures related to this accelerator, during 2012, 2013 and 2017.”


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