Installed capacity for solar electricity production up by 140 percent


In less than two years, new energy capacities have been installed in N. Macedonia with a total installed capacity of 532.2 Megawatts of electricity from natural renewable sources, the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) informed on Saturday.

“In ten months, we have new investments in energy that produce solar electricity for which licenses have been issued with a total installed capacity of 371 MW, which is 140 percent more than the whole of 2022 – when the total installed capacity reached 152.2 MW. The intensity of realization of energy capacities has increased and is evident if we draw a parallel with five years ago when we issued licenses for only 6 MW,” said president of the Energy Regulatory Commission Marko Bislimoski.

The Regulatory Commission announced that 166,000 households can be supplied with electricity produced from renewable sources from the new power plants that have been built in the past two years.


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