Lavrov to hold several bilateral meetings in Skopje


Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Wednesday that Moscow’s top diplomat Sergey Lavrov will hold several bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje, as well as multilateral meetings.
“I can confirm that there are many requests for bilateral meetings. There will also be multilateral meetings, in multilateral formats, Zakharova informed at a press briefing in Moscow, reports TASS.
Zakharova did not reveal the details of whom Lavrov will meet in Skopje, but she complained about obstructions from, as she states, the United States and the “collective West” in order to prevent the normal participation of Russia in the OSCE meeting. She also pointed out that several Russian journalists were prevented from following the participation of the Russian delegation in the events in Skopje.

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