Firecrackers and fireworks usage to be punishable by law


The Tetovo Department of Interior has strengthened the control and other activities related to the timely detection and prevention of the sale and use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic means, which will be intensified even more in the coming days.

“Merchants, parents and students (elementary and high school students) are reminded again that the sale, that is, the purchase and activation of firecrackers in public places, on the street, in yards, entrances to residential buildings, etc., is a legal offense, for which according to Article 31 from the Law on Offenses against Public Order and Peace, a fine of 100 to 250 euros in Denar equivalent is foreseen. Their procurement and distribution on the market in large quantities is contrary to the Criminal Code of the Republic of North Macedonia and for that offense a prison sentence of at least five years is foreseen,” said the Tetovo Department of Interior in a press release on Monday.

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