Forensic Medicine Institute distances itself from all unofficial information related to Gjorchevska and Zhezhovski’s autopsies


The Institute of Forensic Medicine distances itself from all articles in which unofficial information will be published, and where the Institute will be cited as a source, this institution points out after the publication of the Skopje1. Mk website, which on Sunday published information about the way in which 14-year-old Vanja Gjorchevska was murdered.

“We categorically claim that this media has not received any statement or information in oral or written form from the Institute. Only a statement made by the responsible person of the Institute, which is in the form of an audio or video recording or in written form, can be considered relevant and accurate and then the media can quote that the source of the information is from the Institute. While the investigation is ongoing, the Institute of Forensic Medicine distances itself from all articles in which unofficial information will be published, and where the Institute of Forensic Medicine stands as the source of the information,” the Institute pointed out.



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