Police raid: Prilep-based company fictitiously employed pregnant saleswomen, caused damage of MKD 35.5 million


The Financial Police Administration announced that Thursday, under the direction of a public prosecutor from the Public Prosecutor’s Office, it is conducting searches at several locations in Prilep and detaining suspects.

The raid is the result of a multi-month pre-investigation procedure, under the code name “Mammal”, for crimes against the official position, public finances, payment transactions and the economy.

A criminal complaint has been filed against several individuals and two legal entities, due to the existence of a well-founded suspicion of FRAUD and MONEY LAUNDERING AND OTHER PROCEEDS FROM A CRIMINAL OFFENSE, which caused damage to the Health Insurance Fund in the amount of MKD 35,551,472.

The first respondent, along with the second respondent and the third respondent, managers and owners of the registered legal entities, from September 2020 to October 2023, by false presentation of facts, misled the Fund to pay money on the basis of exercising the right to compensation of salary during absence from work due to pregnancy, birth and motherhood of a large number of pregnant women. They fictitiously employed them as saleswomen, without going to work, on the condition that they were pregnant, while paying them monthly incomes of the minimum wage, so that, after the law, for 6 months, they could correct the salary to larger amounts, giving false data to the PRO.

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