Health Minister urges cancellation of the “Stop 5G and Vaccines” protest


Health Minister Venko Filipce told a news conference today that he hoped the the organizers of the protest dubbed “Stop 5G and Vaccines,” scheduled for Saturday May 16, would change their minds and postpone it.

Filipce stressed that it is extremely important at the moment when, according to his assessment, the situation with coronavirus calms down, for the citizens to “endure a little longer” and not group so as not to contribute to new cases of coronavirus.

“I sincerely believe that the organizers will cancel the protest because I want them to be aware. I would also like to talk to the organizers to see why they think the curfew should be lifted and to present the real scientific arguments as to why we are doing this. If there is such a protest, however, I believe that the relevant institutions will intervene to be at least with the appropriate measures, to wear masks and to be at a distance,” Filipce said.

He added that the imposed restrictive measures have led to very few patients with Covid-19, and have allowed the health system to deal with the situation.

“I sincerely hope that the citizens are aware that these restrictive measures, the completely closed weekend for Easter, the seriously long curfew for several weeks. After that, the appropriate sizing of the curfew in the following weekends practically led us to have very few patients. I know that it is difficult and I thank the citizens and I congratulate them for their endurance, because it was a real investment in their own and collective health,” said Health Minister Filipce.

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