72 COVID-19 cases registered last week


The Infectious Diseases Clinic in Skopje has seen a total of 47 flu patients since the onset of 2024, head of the Clinic Milena Stevanovikjtold the media. In the past 24 hours, 22 people with flu symptoms were examined at the Clinic.

Two COVID-19 patients were admitted at the Clinic late Wednesday, of whom one is a severe case because of an underlying medical condition.

“A total of four patients are treated at the Clinic,” said Stevanovikj.

Public Health Center director ShabanMemetisaid that a total of 72 COVID-19 cases were registered between December 25 and December 31, 2023. Of these, 39 are in Skopje, 12 in Prilep, and 10 cases in Ohrid.


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