Judges and Prosecutors Academy violates the Electoral Code by hiring, says opposition


Today at the Public Prosecutor’s office , contrary to the law, in the midst of elections, a hiring process is being carried out, admission of 130 new judges and prosecutors, a written entrance exam for the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors is being conducted.

And believe it or not, instead of an electronic exam, for the first time it will be a written exam, because the appropriate software was not purchased, accused VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson NaumStoilkovski at a press briefing on Monday.

“This is a classic case of violation of the election law by the Academy, which should be an example of the rule of law. By force of law in all state institutions, public enterprises and municipalities, all employment procedures have been put on hold by force of the electoral code. We urge the SCPC to prevent this violation of the electoral code by the Academy of Judges and Prosecutors, because the resolution of this case will also be a test of the integrity of the Anti-Corruption Commission, which has the duty to protect the electoral code,” said Stoilkovski.

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