President has the right to use the name Macedonia in public appearances, says President’s Office


Macedonian President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova has the right to use the name Macedonia in her public appearances as an act of exercising her personal right to self-determination and self-identification honoring basic human rights and freedoms and according to European values and principles, the President’s Office said on Monday.

President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova will adhere to the official application of the constitutional name. According to the Constitution, as prepared by the services of the Assembly, the solemn oath was signed using the constitutional name.

In the last five years, the Macedonian institutions have almost completely fulfilled their obligations from the Prespa Agreement, and the president expects all Macedonian partners to respect the bilateral and multilateral obligations they have undertaken towards the country, reads the President’s Office press release.

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