Police union files criminal complaint against Spasovski


The Macedonian Police Union  submitted a criminal complaint to the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in Skopje against former Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski.

As indicated in the Union’s press realease, the report was submitted due to the existence of a well-founded suspicion that he, in his capacity as an official – a former minister in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, by exceeding his powers and abusing his official position and powers, committed the criminal acts of Abuse of office and authority according to Article 353 of the Criminal Code and Malicious work in the service according to Article 353-c of the Criminal Code.

“ In the specific case, there is a well-founded doubt that the reported O.S. by abusing his official position and authority, by disobeying the health regulations that were in force at that time, as well as taking measures and official actions while he was prevented from working, i.e. while he was on sick leave, and disobeying the regulations for protection from the regulations of the State Sanitary and Health inspectorate for protection against the COVID-19 virus signed two deployment decisions with his own hands and illegally,” reads the Union’s press release.

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