VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson: June elections are not possible


Elections in June are not possible, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimce Arsovski. Answering reporters’ questions, he ruled out the possibility of VMRO-DPMNE running in June elections, saying there was an increased number of newly infected with coronavirus.

“What I can say is that the date for the elections will have to be discussed consensually, i.e. at the moment when it will be assessed that it is possible to hold the elections because the most important thing at the moment is the health of the citizens, not saving the career of some SDSM official,” Arsovski said.

Asked about the proposal of the Committee for Infectious Diseases to loosen all measures, as well as the opening of the borders on June 1, Arsovski said that they will have to consider all the arguments that the Commission will present.

“We see that all the figures that the public health institutions present in the media mean that, instead of reducing the corona infection, we see that the numbers increase and, on the contrary, expand in a period while some countries in the region declare victory over the coronavirus, we see that in our country at the moment the number of newly infected is increasing. It is still unclear to us how it is possible to have a 58-hour quarantine until yesterday, and as of today the Commission on Infectious Diseases to propose a relaxation of measures and practically as if nothing had happened, but, as I said, we will have to do more. Let’s look at the arguments once, and in terms of the pressure for elections, as I said, elections in June are not possible because all the numbers we see on the newly infected indicate that at the moment the health of citizens is the most important thing, not saving someone’s political career,” Arsovski said.

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