High school graduates shared tests on Viber yet again


The director of the State Examination Center Biljana Mihajlovska in a statement to the media pointed out that the state matriculation exam went flawlessly on Sunday in some schools, but in some schools there were problems that they are currently solving. Again there was sharing in Viber groups of the English language and math tests.
“Once again there was a Viber group in which the math test was shared at 9:53 a.m. and the English test at 9:45 a.m., in the same way as last time when the Macedonian language test was shared, i.e. a blank test that the student took a photo of and asked from the other Viber group members to help him complete the test. This time the Viber English group had three thousand students, I don’t know if they are all students because we were also part of that group. And the mathematics group has about 300-400 users. All the students who took photos and who we managed to locate by name and surname in the viber group and whose phones the observers found, were removed from the exam,” Mihajlovska pointed out.

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