Parliament to fill the seats of MPs that became ministers


The Macedonian Parliament is set to hold its 8th session on Tuesday, verifying the terms of new MPs replacing Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski and several newly-elected ministers.
Dragan Nedeljkovikj, Velika Stojkova Serafimovska, Sergej Popov, Emilija Angelova, Vesna Gjorgjieva and Dijana Ilievska from the coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE, Feride Haxhiu and Kaltrina Haxhiu from the Worth It coalition were appointed MPs.
The will replace Mickoski and ministers Gordana Dimitrieska-Kochoska, Ljupcho Dimoski, Izet Mexhiti, Vlado Misajlovski, Ivan Stoiljkovikj, Aleksandar Nikoloski and Fatmir Limani.

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