Ahmeti: It is time for bigger dreams, it is time for the first Albanian Prime Minister


Brothers and sisters! Everything has a beginning, it starts with a dream. We all have our dreams, for our children, for us, for the country. We Albanians dreamed of freedom, equality and we fought for this dream to become a reality. When we believe in something, we are ready to sacrifice everything, said DUI leader Ali Ahmeti at the beginning of the video address for the proposal for the first Albanian Prime Minister of Macedonia.

“As Albanians, we have always known how to unite for common goals, when it was important and decisive, during the war, during the crisis and during our constant efforts for equality and integration. This is why we have achieved a lot together in our history as Albanians in North Macedonia.

“Today more than ever, Albanians are appointed at the helm of many institutions, including the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior, and the speaker of the parliament is also Albanian.

“But, this is not enough, it’s time for the first Albanian Prime Minister,” Ahmenti stated.

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