Macedonia ranks 56th on the Human Rights Index for 2019


Macedonia is ranked 56th by the US Cato Institute's Human Rights Index for 2019,
with a score of 7.34.
Compared to last year, the country is ranked 56th, but it increased by 0.07 index
points (from 7.27 last year to 7.34 this year).

The index scores are based on 76 indicators related to personal and economic
freedoms in many areas, including the rule of law, security and safety, then freedom
of movement, religion, association and civic organization, expression and
information, as well as respect for property, access to finance, trade freedoms and
the regulation of labor and business relations.
The list ranks a total of 162 countries worldwide rated from zero to 10 index points.
At the top of the list are New Zealand with 8.88 index points, ahead of Switzerland
(8.82), Hong Kong (8.81), Canada (8.65), Australia (8.62), Denmark and
Luxembourg (8 each). , 56), Finland and Germany (8.53) and Ireland (8.52).
At the bottom from 151st to 162nd are Angola (5.40), DR Congo (5.36), Ethiopia
(5.25), Iran (5.10), Algeria (4.99), Libya (4). , 64), Egypt (4.50), Iraq (4.34), Sudan
(4.32), Yemen (4.30), Venezuela (3.80) and Syria (3.79).
Among the countries in the region, Slovenia ranks 35th with 7.97 index points,
Croatia at 37th (7.86), Albania at 38th (7.84), Bulgaria at 39th (7.79), Montenegro at
53rd (7.43), Bosnia and Herzegovina at 55th (7.37), Greece at 57th (7.33), Serbia at
58th (7.30) and Turkey at 122. (6 , 21).
Region by region, the highest indices of human freedom are found in North America,
Western Europe, and East Asia, and lowest in the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-
Saharan Africa and South Asia.

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