VMRO-DPMNE promises realization on the highway Gradsko-Prilep-Bitola-border with Greece


the holder of the list in ED 4 Aleksandar Nikoloski promises that VMRO-DPMNE will restore the infrastructure and will commit to the strategically most important highway in Macedonia, the highway Gradsko-Prilep-Bitola-border with Greece.

Nikoloski promised via Facebook that he would correct the devastation that SDSM left behind.

– They promised construction of the highway Prilep – Gradsko. As for everything else, they lied, so at the moment the construction has stopped. SDSM left desolation and does not realize any major infrastructure project. VMRO-DPMNE is committed to the realization of the strategically most important highway for Macedonia, the highway Gradsko-Prilep-Bitola-border with Greece!, wrote Nikoloski.

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