Since January, 163 doctors have asked for certificates abroad, according to the Medical Chamber


In the past five years the number of applications submitted by medical doctors for issuance of certificates abroad was 794 in 2015 – 171, in 2016 -162, in 2017 -120, in 178 in 2018, and by December this year – 163, show data that the Chamber of Doctors informs today.

Sixty percent of the total number of doctors who passed the professional exam this year, the Medical Chamber said, announced they would seek employment in the country, and in the last examination session of 171 doctors, 100 doctors said they would seek employment in the country.

The Medical Chamber states that they do not have precise data on the number of doctors who have left to live and work abroad, and in accordance with their competencies issue a certificate (good standing) to the doctors that they are members of the Chamber and that there is no procedure against them before the Chamber’s Court of Honor.

These certificates, as it is emphasized, are necessary for doctors of education abroad, professional or study stay abroad, training and further education, international projects as well as those who leave to live and work abroad.

In the past five years in the Chamber 1,820 doctors of medicine passed the professional exam, of which 315 doctors of medicine in 2015, in 2016 -395 doctors of medicine, in 2017 299 doctors of medicine, in 2018 – 413 doctors of medicine and this year – 398 doctors of medicine. According to the records in the Chamber and the data given by the doctors of medicine who after taking the professional exam obtained a license to work in 2018 136 doctors were employed in health facilities throughout the country, and this year until November their number is 98 doctors, says the Medical Chamber.

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