Latest “bomb”: Zaev takes a racket of 6 million euros! (AUDIO)


A new audio recording has been leaked on YouTube where the voice of former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev can be heard.

The recording was posted on the “Zoki reketarot” channel. From the conversation we can conclude that Zoran Zaev enters the racketeering scheme and instead of Vasko Dimishkov, the money from the racketeering ends up with him.

In one of the previous “bombs” where the voice of lawyer Vasil Dimishkov is heard, the brother of Judge Vesna Dimishkova, who is considered very close to Zoran Zaev, is asking for 6 million euros for a businessman to be released.

“Pay 6 million euros and it’s a done deal,” said Vasil Dimishkov. Dimishkov in a conversation with an unknown person says that he will try to reduce the amount even though it is a very large amount.

“They told me (Vice Zaev directly and Zoran Zaev) but I need to talk with them again, I will try to reduce it, they want too much, I did not expect them to ask so much.”


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