Grubi: We are ready to cooperate with SDSM, but only if Ziberi is prime minister


Considering that SDSM has 46 MPs, and DUI has 15 MPs, or a total of 61 MPs,
which is enough to elect the Government and to elect a Prime Minister, said Artan
Grubi from DUI in an interview on the show "Samo intervju" on TV Kanal 5.
“DUI is a stable partner. DUI is not an adventurous party that changes its position
every three days, so a government must be formed every five days with other
partners. We are loyal to the citizens. We are not here to provoke an institutional
crisis. DUI is a serious partner and SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE know that very well.
We are ready to cooperate with SDSM, but only if Naser Ziberi is selected as Prime
Minister,” said Grubi.

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