Filipce: There will be no re-introduction of restrictions


Health Minister VenkoFilipce announced that there will be no re-introduction of restrictions, after the University of Washington from Seattle made a projection according to which about 1,800 people in Macedonia will die due to COVID-19 by November 1, if the easing of protection measures continues.

“We are prepared, even if the number of patients increases, not only due to COVID-19, but also from seasonal flu, measles, stomach viruses. I must reiterate that Macedonia is one of the few countries that throughout this entire period has protocols in place for the functioning of companies, businesses, catering facilities, hotels, beaches and swimming pools.These protocols are based on clear epidemiological principles. Mandatory wearing of face masks and maintaining physical distance is the only way that will get us out of this health crisis. The new cases are the result of non-compliance with these measures,” Filipce said.

According to him, the only additional measure that could be considered at a given moment, or an indication whether to introduce the additional measure of restriction of movement is the availability of hospital beds and hospital capacity.

“We cannot live with restrictions forever. The epidemic will continue even after a vaccine is developed until a sufficient percentage of the population is vaccinated,” Filipche pointed out.

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