VMRO-DPMNE: Filipce and SDSM with their policies have no idea where they are going


The institutions are completely non-functional, because the first and only interest of Zaev and his closest associates is personal financial gain. That is why there is chaos and uncertainty, and two weeks before the beginning of the school year, hundreds of thousands of families do not know if and how the classes will be organized, VMRO-DPMNE accused in a statement.

“The coronavirus situation is worrying. New cases and new deaths are reported on a daily basis. Even more worrying is the behavior and indifference of the government to the overall situation. New clusters are opening up, such as the situation at the psychiatric hospital in Demir Hisar. The number of active cases of 3,021 citizens with coronavirus is devastating. In August, Macedonia is high on the list of countries that have the highest number of cases per hundred thousand inhabitants with as many as 594 cases, far ahead of some countries in the region. The healthcare system does not work with SDSM in power, the conditions in the hospitals and the ways the patients are treated are miserable, citizens who tested negative are ordered in self-isolation or quarantine. VMRO-DPMNE has repeatedly pointed out that prevention measures should be the primary focus in order to put an end to the epidemic, but the government with its lack of knowledge and inability has allowed the virus to spread. Filipce and SDSM have no idea where they are going with their policies, and we have been seeing the lack of ideas since the beginning of the crisis until now,” the statement reads.

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