Domestic payment card users spend EUR 26.5 million


A total of 309,337 citizens have used domestic payment cards, spending EUR 26.5 million, Finance Minister Nina Angelovska posted on Facebook.

“This is the most comprehensive measure of its type implemented in our country. As an anti-crisis measure, the main point of the domestic payment card was to supported target categories of citizens in facing the COVID-19 crisis, as well as the economic activity through stimulating private consumption of domestic products and services and thus, cushion the blow on the economy in the short-run,” Angelovska wrote.

Out of 330 thousand citizens on the list, 309 thousand have collected a payment card. In addition, of a total of EUR 28.3 million transferred to banks, EUR 26.8 million have been used on issued cards. Of these, users have spent EUR 26.5 million to buy domestic products.

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