Criminal court silent, Prosecution yet to decide whether to appeal the scandalous verdict on the car accident


The Criminal Court has not yet commented on the scandalous verdict of Judge Elena Ilievska Josifovic who gave only a two-year suspended sentence for the driver who two years ago illegally cut through two full lanes with his Jeep near “Mlechen” in Skopje caused the death of a 32-year-old a man on a motorcycle with his pregnant wife, who was seriously injured and lost her baby.

The reasoning of the judge was that the driver of the Jeep pleaded guilty and did not defend himself in court that he was innocent. After the avalanche of negative reactions from the citizens, the President of the Criminal Court Ivan Djolev stated that at the moment he could not comment on the verdict, because he did not have all the necessary information on the basis of which this decision of the judge is based. He announced that he will consider all the arguments for the case, after which he will issue an official reaction.

As the decision is not yet final, it is now waiting for the Prosecution to appeal to the Appellate Court. The Prosecution has yet to decide whether to appeal the verdict.

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