Judges and prosecutors under supervision – 5% of random verdicts will be reviewed


The judiciary cleansing model incorporates inspection of the property of judges and prosecutors by the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption. The Judicial Council should also carry out a detailed inspection of the work of judges, especially with regards to proceedings that led to breach in the statute of limitations, rare hearings etc.

The EU monitoring of high-profile court cases is scheduled to start at the onset of 2021, with about 50 cases per year, involving foreign and domestic experts.

“We are the first country in the region that asked the European Union to launch the initiative on monitoring of high-profile corruption cases,” said Justice Minister Bojan Marichikj.

He said the process is expected to increase the credibility of court decisions and processes as a whole, as well as the responsibility of judges and prosecutors in the efficiency of proceedings.

The minister also announced a review, by random choice, of five percent of high-profile cases, those with expired statute of limitations etc.

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