Companies with a loss to pay K-15, says PM Zaev


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev called on the companies that have a loss this year, but in previous years have accumulated bigger profits, to pay recourse for their workers.

“Workers are a lasting asset for both companies and the country. I appeal once again that the law and the collective agreements themselves regulate that when companies show losses, then their obligation to pay K-15 falls. But we have companies that will show a loss by the New Year, but have accumulated good profits from the previous year or know that they have the potential to immediately cover the loss with a successful result in 2021. Therefore I always recommend that they take care of their workers, who are the most important capital in the country, “said Zaev in response to the media.

Prime Minister Zaev added that the vacation pay will increase private consumption and at the same time stimulate the country’s economy.

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