Shoe companies with reduced work capacity fear a new coronavirus wave in Europe


The shoe companies based in Kumanovo, those who survived the first wave of the spread of the coronavirus and the closing of the borders, in recent months manage to work, to keep the employees, but with reduced capacity, informs today the Association of shoe companies – Kumanovo.

According to the owners of production plants, those who work in lon production do well, but not the companies that work for the domestic market, where consumption is reduced to a minimum. Shops selling shoes for the domestic market registered earnings when citizens spent their payment cards, but now there is no expected inflow, given the fact that students do not attend in-person classes.

Those who managed to overcome the initial blows, the closure of China from which raw materials are procured and Italy, now fear that the new wave will partially stop production. The expectations of the authorities are that with the stabilization of the situation with the coronavirus, the regular process of work of the production capacities will be restored.

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