Macedonia and Albania ranked most corrupt countries in the region


Macedonia ranks 106 on the Transparency International list, i.e. on a scale from 0 to
100, with 100 points meaning “very clean” and 0 “highly corrupted with 35 points. It
ranked 93rd in 2018 with 37 points and 107th in 2017.
According to CPI 2019, Somalia with 9 points scored worst out of all 180 countries.
South Sudan, Syria and Yemen are close above Somalia.
The CPI 2019, released annually by the watchdog organization Transparency
International, ranks 180 countries. This year, it put an emphasis on the relationship
between corruption and politics through financing election campaigns and fulfilling
someone’s interests by paying ‘big money’ in politics.
According to her, people’s frustration with the governments and corruption in politics,
as well as the lack of confidence in institutions suggests the citizens should call for
better political integrity, improved responsibility and accountability in the fight against
In the region, Slovenia has the highest ranking in CPI 2019 – 35th. Croatia is 63rd,
Montenegro – 66th, Bulgaria – 74th, Serbia – 91st, Kosovo and Bosnia and
Herzegovina share 101st place.
On a scale from 0 to 100, with 100 points meaning “very clean” and 0 “highly
corrupted, New Zealand scores the highest ranking, 87th. The country is followed by
Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Singapore and Sweden.

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